Freedom for innovation — BestSecret’s Tech Friday

BestSecret Tech
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2021


A few weeks ago, we kicked off our first Tech Friday with special guest Sam Newman. 🚀

What a day! All Tech teams in Granada and Munich jointly explored new technologies and learned from each other’s experiences. The focus of TechFriday is inspiration, innovation, learning and collaboration. It’s about breaking out of your daily work routine, taking a glance into the future and challenging new technologies. One of the sessions was about monolith decomposition patterns and the key principles that can be used to incrementally decompose a monolith into microservices. Of course we have workshops on special topics of interest and most important: we have lots of fun together.

In order to develop groundbreaking ideas, the creativity of employees must be continuously encouraged. It is often the thoughts and ideas of employees that lead to successful innovations in practice. In order for such ideas to emerge, creative freedom is an important prerequisite. With formats such as Tech Friday, BestSecret creates space to become a little better every day.

Tech Friday takes place once a month and all our Tech teams are encouraged to join. We can’t wait for the next one, tomorrow, October 22nd. 👏🏻



BestSecret Tech

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